
  কচ্ছপ আর খরগোশের গল্পটা আমরা সবাই জানি। কিন্তু মজার বিষয় হল আমরা গল্পের শুধু প্রথম অংশটাই পড়েছি। এই গল্পের আরো ৩ টি অধ্যায় আছে! যা হয়তো আমরা কেউ কেউ পড়েছি বা শুনেছি, কিন্তু বেশিরভাগ মানুষই পড়িনি। গল্পের বাকি অংশটুকু এবার জেনে নেই তাহলে ১ম অংশ: এই অংশটা আমরা ছোটবেলায় বইয়ে পড়ছি। এখানে খরগোশ ঘুমিয়ে যায়, আর কচ্ছপ জিতে যায়। প্রথমবার হেরে যাওয়ার পর খরগোশ বিশ্লেষণ করে দেখল তার পরাজয়ের মূল কারণ 'অতিরিক্ত আত্মবিশ্বাস।' তারমানে অতি আত্মবিশ্বাস যে কারো জন্যই ক্ষতিকর। আর কচ্ছপ বুঝল, লেগে থাকলে সাফল্য আসবেই! ২য় অংশ: হেরে যাওয়ার পর এবার খরগোশ আবারো কচ্ছপকে দৌড় প্রতিযোগিতায় চ্যালেঞ্জ করল আর কচ্ছপও রাজী হল। এবার খরগোশ না ঘুমিয়ে দৌড় শেষ করল এবং জয়ী হল। খরগোশ বুঝল, মন দিয়ে নিজের সামর্থের পুরোটা দিয়ে কাজ করলে দ্রুত সফল হওয়া যায়। আর কচ্ছপ বুঝল, ধীর স্থির ভাবে চলা ভালো, তবে কাজে উপযুক্ত গতি না থাকলে প্রতিযোগীতা মূলক পরিবেশে জয়ী হওয়া অসম্ভব! ৩য় অংশ: কচ্ছপ এবার খরগোশকে আরেকবার দৌড় প্রতিযোগিতার আমন্ত্রন জানালো। খরগোশও নির্দিধায় রাজী হয়ে গেল। তখন কচ্ছপ বলল, "একই রাস্তায...

Democracy and Democratic Rights in Bangladesh: General People's Perception of Current Human Rights, Social Justice, and Democratic Practices in Politics

Introduction: Democracy is a cornerstone of a just and inclusive society, where citizens can participate in decision-making and enjoy fundamental human rights. This article explores the general people's perception of the state of human rights, social justice, and democratic practices in Bangladesh. By understanding the key concerns and viewpoints of the population, we can shed light on the areas that need improvement for a more vibrant and participatory democracy. Human Rights: The general perception among the people of Bangladesh reflects concerns about the state's commitment to upholding human rights. Incidents of arbitrary arrests, restrictions on freedom of expression, and allegations of extrajudicial actions have raised doubts about the protection of fundamental civil liberties. Citizens need more robust measures to safeguard their rights to life, liberty, freedom of speech, and assembly. Social Justice: Promoting social justice requires addressing the economic and social ...

The Erosion of Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh: A Government in Question

Introduction: Over the years, Bangladesh has faced significant challenges in upholding social justice and human rights for its citizens. This article examines the actions and policies of the ruling government that have contributed to the erosion of these fundamental principles. From limited political liberties to the marginalization of minority communities, the state of social justice and human rights in Bangladesh demands our attention and scrutiny.   Restrictions on Freedom of Expression and the Media: One crucial aspect of social justice and human rights is the freedom of expression. Sadly, in recent years, there has been a sharp decline in this basic right within Bangladesh. The government has taken measures to stifle dissent by targeting journalists, activists, and political opponents. Human rights organizations have reported numerous cases of arbitrary arrests, intimidation, and even enforced disappearances, which create a chilling effect on freedom of speech. ...

Democracy and Human Rights in Bangladesh: A Historical Dilemma and Contemporary Challenge

Introduction: Bangladesh, a South Asian country, has a turbulent history regarding democracy and human rights. Since its independence in 1971, the nation has experienced periods of democratic governance alongside significant challenges to human rights. This article delves into the historical dilemma faced by Bangladesh and sheds light on the contemporary challenges it continues to grapple with.   Historical Dilemma: Bangladesh emerged from a liberation war seeking to establish a democratic system that respects human rights. However, political instability, military interventions, and authoritarian rule plagued the nation in its early years. The assassination of Bangladesh's founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in 1975 set the stage for a tumultuous political landscape, often interrupted by coups and military regimes.   Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, political power repeatedly shifted between elected governments and military-backed regimes. These transiti...

Importance of Traceability, quality and safe food for good health of human

Importance of Traceability, quality and safe food for good health of human Key word: Safe food, contamination, elevated risk, diseases, traceability, food hazard, food chain, eco-system, food policy Authors: 1. Khan Mohammad Elyas (M.Sc.-Economics-University of Rome II-TV, MDS-EWU, BSS & MSS-NUB, DCE, MSDE, PGDPM), 2. Agriculturist Ripon Kumar Ghose (B.Sc. M.Sc. Agriculture, KU, AL Specialist) Preface: In this current century people are straggling against safe food and good life with happiness. In absent of quality and safe food, people are suffering by several types of diseases like diabetics, multidimensional cancers, many more Non/communicable diseases. Despite the relationship, coordination and proper monitoring in developing world like Bangladesh in higher risk in quality and safe food. To coordinated traceability in the food chain became outward in the 1990s following several food crises in Europe, most notably the BSE [1] crisis is a learning point for deve...

Recent Terrorism and Humanity!

Are we human, may be or not! Why do this killing? why? We have lot of questions but answer is limited or is there any answer? A man can do any with following state policy and rule of business. But what are problems of others, some so called activist of so named Islam! Are they really know about Islam? May be not or they don't know about inside of Islam. Where are we and going where? As we living in a liberal country where we have alright to practicing  anything within patients but what is happening!  Day by day it is increasing to killing human or humanity, it is really a big questions! Is there no one who could do something for stopping this unexpected matters/occurrences?  We can't get any more but do we do something for recovered or be a positive situation anyways. May be we have to play activist role altogether otherwise it will be turn into a situation that would be more a situation which will be difficult for us to get relief! The last few months killing...

Climate changes susceptibility in agriculture: A high extent of food and nutrition insecurity in Coastal area of rural Bangladesh

Preface: The concept of global warming should not receive the amount of attention that is currently determined on this issue because the earth continuously goes through spells of warming and cooling. On the other hand the increasing temperature of the world is but a part of this natural cycle and out of human control. Food and safe life is a social right of human being but this changes of climate, now days the life of coastal areas people of developing world is in high risk especially in Bangladesh and South Asian coastal belt. We most of the people know climate change and greenhouse gas emission by the industrial countries and particularly western region and some eastern countries (Alam, M., 2003). Consequence results are sea level raising and frequent natural calamities and ultimate outputs are food insecurity and vulnerability to the rural people of coastal area in developing world. In this paper I would like to dig out the root causes of climate change and its consequences ...